August 2nd, 2013 by Joachim Creten
I started the Rolf Mentoring Program required by The Rolf Institute, Boulder CO.where I need to rolf a client by following a protocol of 10 sessions with supervision of Sara Soltau an established Rolfer in Santa Barbara.I asked the client to send me notes and comments about her experience to this process for each session. Here her comments about Rolf Knowledge before to volunteer : “I had heard of Rolfing for a number of years but did not know any details about the techniques or even the goals of the procedures. It sounded very serious and even painful, although the Rolfing Institute web site said that the techniques are less painful than years ago. I was intrigued by the idea that manipulating connective tissue could enhance flexibility, because I have had restricted range of motion in my left shoulder and right leg for many years. In fact, I was told by a doctor that I should just “get used to it.” After having chair massages from Joachim during quilt retreats in Buellton three or four times a year over the past eight years, I began scheduling a full hour table massage the day before the retreats. In June 2013, when he emailed his clients asking if anyone would be interested in sessions of Rolfing with a mentor in Santa Barbara, I volunteered”.