Improve your body posture

  • Better Body Posture
  • Better Flexibility
  • Better Balanced
  • Chronic Pain Free

Terra Massage Blog

I started the Rolf Mentoring Program required by The Rolf Institute, Boulder CO.where I need to rolf a client by following a protocol  of 10 sessions with supervision of Sara Soltau an established Rolfer in Santa Barbara.I asked the client to send me notes and comments about her experience to this process for each session. … Read more

I started the mentoring program required by The Rolf Institute, Boulder CO. to access to the last unit of 3 for the Rolf Certification. At first, only 3 Rolfing sessions were programmed with one of my client who had massage and bodywork with me before for years. I am mentored by Sara Soltau Certified Advance … Read more

We are please to be part again of the Climbing Carmichael Training Camp. We will provide Body work to the athletes for three days from 6/13/2013 to 6/25/2013

Bones are part of the connective tissues in your body. One of their functions is to support and protect vital organs of the body. Around them, ligaments, tendons, muscles, fascia sheet, blood are all part of the connective tissues. Without them, bones will drop as a pile, and without bones, we will look like unshaped … Read more

I just finish to read an article from Lael Katharine Keen Certified Advance Rolfer ™ about embodiment and Grace, including a paragraph about why many people live so far outside their bodies?…. “the medical profession schools its”patients” to be passive and give the authority for their bodies and health into the hands of “those who … Read more

On my way to learn the heart of the structural integration technique of Dr. Rolf. during Unit II at The Rolf Institute in Bolder CO With Mary Bond, Certified Advance Rolfer over 30 years of experience learning Rolfing movements based on gentle technique improving body movement and Thomas Walker, Certified Advance Rolfer for over … Read more

On my way to learn the heart of the structural integration technique of Dr. Rolf. during Unit II at The Rolfing Institute in Bolder CO ( With Instructor, Mary Bond, Certified Advance Rolfer over 30 years of experience learning Rolfing movements based on gentle technique improving body movement and Instructor Thomas Walker, Certified Advance Rolfer … Read more

For the Jim’s 6th Gourmet Challenge, 10K walk/Run, 1/2 and Full Metric Bike for Cancer on Sept 15 2012, Santa Ynez CA , Joachim Creten, owner of  Terra Massage will provide Massage during the event , all the benefits will go to The Livestrong Lance Armstrong Cancer Fondation. For more information, please visit or … Read more

Our modern life push us to be more and more  in still position a lot.Driving,  at your desk for hours etc… Believe or not, your body starts to fatigue, muscle tension builds, you fell stiff and uncomfortable. You try to find another position for better comfort.  By changing from body position to another, you can finally find … Read more

Often when I meet new clients they ask for advice on maintaining their body posture and avoiding injuries. My answer always starts with the same sentence: ”Keep Moving” It is essential for living organism to keep moving .  When you observe monkeys in nature, even the oldest still climb trees, maybe at a slower pace, … Read more