Improve your body posture

  • Better Body Posture
  • Better Flexibility
  • Better Balanced
  • Chronic Pain Free

Terra Massage Blog

….Ask your dentist how his shoulders go today Indeed, dentists and dental hygienists take care of our teeth by working entire hours to perform miracles. At the same time, they work sitting, leaning forward, on the side to access teeth that require attention and sometimes imposes a lot of concentration and effort. Chronic physical symptoms … Read more

When the winter comes, your metabolism slows down and is more sensitive to germs. To be able to protect yourself in a natural way. We have put together a combination of essential oils that will be effective to keep a strong immune system. Shipping Discount Code : AEPL17 Application : Apply a few drops … Read more

Rolfing, a French documentary: 26 minutes, subtitled in English from CAMACRO Production on Vimeo.

Working already on humans and horses, I gave my time working on the pigs and horses of Shadow’s Fund. A first for me to discover a new animal and understand how to approach it and gain its confidence.

Whenever I watch a golf tournament, I can see that none of the golf players are standing on their both legs waiting for putting. Almost all of them use their putter as a cane while they transfer their body weight on one leg. What is the reason? A golf attitude may be? or that looks … Read more

My first session of 5 on this horse. This horse had a surgery a year ago and had some difficulties to move properly. After 10 minutes of work, he is yawning already. The owner mentioned after the session that she did not need her spurs anymore and she had to retrain herself to sit in … Read more

I used to be a professional rider and trainer for jumping horses before I came to the United States in 1997. I trained horses under different national and international riders. I even trained with Pierre Joliscoeur, a Canadian Olympic trainer, in the USA for a few month. Every rider, every trainer has his own way … Read more

I often recommend to my client between Rolfing session to slow down any Sport/training activity and to switch to activities as  Pilate or Yoga for a while to improve better posture results. All those two  activities are very complementary to Rolfing Structural Integration. Here an article related to fascia explaining what is fascia?