Rolf Session 9 with Mentor Daniel Frank, Cert. Rolfer(R)
October 11th, 2013 by Joachim Creten
On my way to finish the 10 Rolfing sessions whit one of my massage client before to fly to The Rolf Institute, Boulder,CO for UnitIII. Here what client has to say after her session 9:
“Bittersweet. Session 9. Fantastic as always, but sadness there is only 1 more session after this one. I am a true believer… and dare I say, addicted! I had a massage (finally) and found it completely unnecessary… and actually had thoughts of “well, a Rolfer would do this differently” and “wait! Keep following the line! Can’t you feel what my body wants?”… ahhh… Rolfing… so much more in tune with what my body needs/wants.
Session 8 was profound. Session 9 was “enlightening”, if you will… Let me just add, while Rolfing is NOT painful, it is not “relaxing” either. It is work and yes, it can be intense… most of the time, it is intense – whether that is physical, or emotional, or both… so, late in Session 9, Joachim was working a sensitive area and I fell into a deep meditative state. I was not asleep, but was completely gone. I have not felt that relaxed in a long while. Thank you for bringing me to a state of pure bliss! I began a regular routine in the gym a few weeks ago and my body is responding with favor: lifting weights, using the machines, biking, hiking all I want… with minimal discomfort. In fact, I moved last week and suffered ZERO repercussions – from what is left of 2 crushed discs in my spine! My body is so happy and grateful for Rolfing! Hurry back, Joachim!!!!! We have psoas work to continue!”